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A man holding a clipboard and pointing with a woman

If you are a Director of a Residents’ Management Company (RMC) or Right to Manage Company (RTM), or thinking of becoming a Director, this in person course, held at TPI's Wimbledon office, is for you. RMCs/RTMs are companies which own and run blocks of flats. Each flat owner is typically a member or shareholder in the RMC and members are appointed from amongst their number to become Directors. The RMCs are then run by these Directors. The duties of the company towards each Leaseholder are set out in the Leases for each flat. There is a mix of contractual duties, such as repairs, maintenance, insurance, and service charge accounting, and statutory duties, including setting reasonable levels of service charges and consulting on major works. A buffet breakfast and lunch will be provided on the day.

Course Contents

What the course covers:

  • Understanding the role of a Resident Director
    • The Company
    • The Lease
    • Balancing the roles of Lessee, Director and Board member
  • Organisations which can help Directors carry out their duties
    • Managing Agents
    • ARMA/TPI
  • Director responsibilities
    • Budgeting and accounts
    • Meetings – with fellow Directors; with Lessees
    • Leases – extension, breach, forfeiture
    • Works and Major Works
  • What Directors need to know
    • GDPR
    • The First Tier Tribunal
    • Directors and Officers Insurance
    • Building safety
  • Developing in the role of Director, and planning for the future
    • Planning and process
    • Refreshing the Board
    • Succession planning

Facilitators: Shabnam Ali-Khan, Partner at Russell Cooke; Alan Walker, experienced RMC Director

Intended For

Audience – who should attend

The course is recommended for all Directors of a Residents’ Management Company or a Right To Manage Company, and for anyone considering taking up such a role.


Membership levelPrice
Members £195.00
Non Members £195.00