A property manager's hands handing documents to a second pair of hands

How a site is initially mobilised will develop the tone of management going forward. If not done correctly, the new agent will spend the initial period of management chasing information, which will hinder their effectiveness to manage the site. This in turn will potentially start the relationship with the new client, and leaseholders, off on the wrong foot. This three hour online training course looks to provide best practise for taking on and mobilising new sites.

Training Course Content

This training course will help Managing Agents develop their knowledge of mobilisation. It will provide property managers with the tools to develop a comprehensive check list to work from and an understanding of what is required  to manage the site affectively.

  • Mobilisation set up
  •  Information required
  • Site set up
  • Compliance
  • Pit falls

Intended For

Managing Agents responsible for taking on or mobilising new sites, or Senior Leadership overseeing a variety of estates where handovers to and from other agents may be common.


Membership levelPrice
Members £60.00
Non Members £100.00

Interested in attending?

Unfortunately this course isn't scheduled to run at the moment, but please register your interest and we will email you as soon as new dates are arranged.

Register Interest