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9:30 am - 12:30 pm
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Mitchell Luo Ralidqgjkbe Unsplash

Do you feel overwhelmed with regulations such as the Energy Act, Heat Regs or Ofgem Regs and the complexities of managing a heat network? This 3-hour course is a comprehensive dive into the responsibilities of a property manager and will cover the basics of a heat network, legislative compliance, Ofgem and Energy Act regulations, maintenance contracts, and consumer protection with a focus on transparent billing..

Course Contents

What the course covers:

• Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014

• Recognising developments with District Heating and Heat Networks present

• Responsibilities of the Heat Supplier and property manager under the Regulations

• CIBSE Code of Practice and its purpose

• The Heat Network life cycle and performance

• Common factors that affect Heat Network performance

• Operation and Maintenance – how to get the most out of your Heat Network.

Intended For

If you pay the gas supply via the service charge, have CHP or an Energy Centre, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with legislation and would benefit from this session.






Membership levelPrice
Members £60.00
Non Members £100.00